Thursday 14 May 2009

Got That Internship Feeling....

Returned home last Saturday from my 2 week Internship at New York based agency, Cunning. (
I can't really express just how amazing it was, both travelling all that way on my own, and actually working within a real industry-based agency.
I've definately grown a whole lot from it, and learnt so much stuff from the whole experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone!
Cunning were great though - super friendly and talented group of people, made me feel immediately welcome, I was very sad to leave after my 2 weeks were up. But on the upside - they have said I'm welcome back any time I like, so I shall certainly be returning back as soon as I can get the funds together, for sure!

Not really had much of a chance to talk to everyone else on how their placements went, as Monday back at uni was a bit of a doss (spending an hour filling out a feedback form about our placement) - GEE fun times! haha great start to come back on!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more interesting.

It's done me a lot of good though - I woke up this morning with an overwhelming motivation to do work! WOW! haha so I'm hoping this extra energy a zest stays!

I Love NY!