Tuesday, 27 July 2010

baffling times

It actually amazes me how difficult it is for students that leave University.
I know I'm still only fresh onto the soil from graduating, but so far it's been such a lot of ups and downs. A few people I left University with have been on placements at various agencies in and around London, and it actually amazes me how much of a ride some of them take us for, it's astonishing!
Yes, yes, I know placements are good for us to do, to earn experience, get better at producing work and ideas, but we're also skint as f*ck!
No body wants to be taken for a ride, I've heard a couple of agencies take students on for a minimum of 9 months before they even contemplate giving them a job, that's pretty far-fetched if you ask me (and I know you're not, but it's my blog so I'll tell you anyway).
If you can't figure out if someone is right for your agency/company after 3 months, then they clearly aren't suited for you, if it's not clear by then, then stop stringing them along.

I've got an internship myself starting in the next week which i'm totally excited for, but being in this limbo state of 'placementing' is pretty hard work!
I'm being evicted from my house this weekend, following my tenancy already being extended for another 3 weeks, which sucks. So I'm off to the council to see how they can help me.
I'm expecting the usual "seeing as you're not pregnant or have any children, try ringing the YMCA/local hostels" geeee thanks so much for your 'help'!!
I can see now why girls just go and get pregnant, it seems that life is so much easier that way with some people being paid up to £4,000 from the government to sit on their arse.
Those of us that are actually trying to make a career for ourself are shunned and given no help what so ever, someone tell me why our Government is so backwards?
I'm half tempted to go home and dress my kitten Rex up in a babygrow and bonnet and march down to the council and demand a flat.

David Cameron, please for the love of god, give next years batch of graduates some sort of hope.
I've been free from University for around 2 months now, and every day is getting harder already to be positive and motivated about something better coming.
I really don't know how some people do it, honestly.

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