Things I really hate about my new job..
-the smell of coffee (ridiculous, I know - considering I work in a coffee shop!)
-when ignorant people
insist on leaving things in their empty coffee cups. Just don't do it! I only have to fish it out when you're done!
-children. Just feed them at home! It's not cute when they hurl things on the floor, it's just down right irritating!
-being chained to the sink all day doing the washing up because my manager hasn't ordered a dishwasher yet.
-knowing i'll
still have to do the washing up when we do get a dishwasher, as the point where it's supposed to go is too small.
-when I work all day on saturday and it's busy as hell, and I am told by a polish co-worker that "we don't have breaks on saturdays.. so no break for you". How about
"FUCK OFF!" I am not a machine.
-Finally getting a break at 5.15pm.
-Getting fuck all to eat as the chef stops cooking at 5pm. Brilliant!
-Being rotared in from 11am-6.30pm.. but not being allowed to leave work until 7.30pm.
-Being told I can't mop properly, so being made to mop the whole floor a second time. If I can't mop properly, then don't ask me to do it again! It's obviously not going to look any better!
-My boss messing up my rota.
-general "short" jokes when I can't reach anything.
-getting tipped by customers, but having to put it in the communal staff tip jar.
-having no pockets on my pinny to be able to hide my tips in. (they thought that design out well!)
-working with people who I can't very well understand, let alone remember their names.
Bloody work.
If I wasn't so skint, I'd resign.